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How to build rapport with children as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Dec 03, 2019

I believe that some adults have a natural flair for coaching children more than others...

Where does this come from?

Well consider this for a moment...

We know what we feel when our mirror neurons tell us what other people feel.

Our mirror neurons are located where empathy is in our brains which is in the prefrontal cortex. We aren't conscious of their messages but they tell us how in sync we are with the person we are speaking to.

When we ARE in sync, everything flows easily.

So when we coach children and we may have a similarity in our own childhood experiences or we can relate, we feel compassion.

That means that we are able to hold space for them in their pain. That connection is called building rapport.

This is why many people who become coaches or therapists have walked their own road with mental health. They are already “connected” to the cause.

In my experience you need to turn your pain into purpose and niche down in a subject area relating to children that really inspires you. Choose an area that you have first hand personal experiences in. There is no amount of textbook learning that can ever help you to connect, as much as actually having felt that connection yourself.

So today...if you are wondering why you aren’t getting enough Kids Life Coaching clients or perhaps you don’t get the results you need.

Ask yourself if you are connected to your clients?

Are you “feeling” their pain?

If you are fumbling around trying to solve problems it may mean that you aren’t connected.

If you aren’t getting results check your attitude...a child will mirror what we give them...

So work on your mindset first!!
This is why so many people achieve success with my Kids Life Coach Training. They do the work to uncover their own pain points to best serve children to navigate theirs!! It’s a magical recipe that works!!

Check out some testimonials of Children's Change Makers who took action on learning how to be a world-class Kids Life Coach!

I am on hand to support you in your journey, so pop into our Kids Life Coach Support Network Facebook group if you want to ask a question or be connected to a likeminded group of passionate people!

With love & zeal

Zelna Zeal

Kids Life Studio & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder 




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