Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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Accredited Training

We understand. that you want peace of mind that our Kids Life Coach Certification is a worthwhile investment and fully accredited. So we need to be upfront with you! Accreditation is not a measure of how successful you will be as a Kids Life Coach but it is a reassurance that will "potentially" give your clients peace of mind. 

We aren't here to convince you with fancy window dressing and accreditation badges that are largely easy to obtain. We are here to simply assure you that since 2003, Kids Life Studio® has been leading the way in ethical and results-driven life coaching for children.  Since the launch of our Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy in 2014, we have trained coaches in over 45 countries and our materials are translated into multiple languages. 

 We believe in keeping our coursework practical and experiential because we want our students to easily implement the tools and techniques we share with them. This way, we know that we can make a positive impact on children!  We believe that there is one thing more important than accreditation and that is using a robust coaching system that gets results and client referrals. This is where we excel!

On completion of your Kids Life Coach Certification, you can choose to become a verified member of any accredited registry. However, what will really shift the needle for you is to join our ongoing professional supervision, training and mentorship to ensure that you stay well informed. 

Our emphasis is on training and mentoring quality coaches who are geared for positive impact in their local communities. With our accredited training, you will not only gain a qualification but you will become part of a global network of children's change makers who are committed to upholding our values and code of ethics. We look forward to getting to know you and sharing this journey with you!



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