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Empowering Young Minds: Innovative Kids Life Coaching Strategies for Cultivating a Culture of Gratitude

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2024

In the world of kids' life coaching, where we navigate the delicate balance of guiding young minds through their formative years, the concept of gratitude stands out as a beacon of positivity and resilience. It's not merely about teaching our coachees to be thankful; it's about instilling in them the practice of showing thankfulness. This subtle shift from feeling to action can have profound effects on their development and overall well-being. Let's dive into how we, as kids' life coaches, can harness the power of gratitude, making it our ally in nurturing more resilient and positive young individuals.

Before we explore the tools and resources to celebrate gratitude, it's essential to understand the science behind it. Research in positive psychology has consistently shown that gratitude is strongly associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships....

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Unveiling simplicity: The core of advancing your Kids Life Coaching business

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2024

In the bustling world of business and start ups, where the latest strategies and complex methodologies often take the spotlight, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of the next big thing for marketing yourself as a Kids Life Coach. However, what if the secret to propelling your Kids Life Coaching business forward was simpler than learning your ABCs? Let's strip away the complexities and return to the FUNdamentals,exploring what truly matters in building and growing a successful coaching practice.

Click to enrol in our FUNdamentals of Kids Life Coaching

At the heart of every Kids Life Coaching business is the connection between coach and client. Unlike adult coaching, the client is actually the child although the parent is paying. This means that you need to develop a unique triangulation of support with the whole family.  This profound relationship is the foundation upon which transformation occurs. It's not about employing the fanciest techniques; it's about genuinely...

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Dreaming Big: Overcoming Blocks and Embracing Your Full Potential as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2024

The journey of a Kids Life Coach is as rewarding as it can be challenging. Whether you're navigating this path as a full-time calling or a part-time venture, the impact you make on young lives is profound. However, the leap from part-time passion to full-time practice can seem daunting. For many, this hesitation isn't about the lack of desire but rather the presence of invisible barriers that make their dreams feel just out of reach. If you are reding is time to dream a little—or rather, a lot—and dismantle those blocks one by one. 

It is important to first identify what those blocks may be. What's holding you back? Is it fear of failure, financial insecurity, or perhaps the daunting task of scaling your business? Identifying your blocks is the first step towards overcoming them. Write them down, understand their roots, and acknowledge their presence. Only then can you begin to dismantle them. Remember you don't have to do this alone. No one...

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The essence of Kids Life Coaching: If it isn't broken don't fix it

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2024

In the vibrant journey of childhood, every day brings a new adventure, a fresh challenge, and a unique learning opportunity. Kids Life Coaching is a beacon of support, not just for children navigating through significant difficulties but for every child facing the everyday hurdles of growing up. It's a common misconception that life coaching is a remedy solely for children with major challenges. However, the truth is, it's a proactive approach to equipping children with the resilience and skills they need to thrive in their daily lives.

Yet, one of the most intriguing aspects of Kids Life Coaching is working with parents. Many parents approach coaches with a fix-it mentality, hoping to solve a problem or improve a specific aspect of their child's behavior or performance. This perspective, while well-intentioned, can sometimes miss the broader scope of what life coaching offers. So, how do we navigate this delicate dynamic and guide parents to see the holistic benefits of Kids Life...

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10 Steps for beating overwhelm as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2024

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? You know that feeling when your head feels full, your mind is distracted, your focus is off and you just don't know which task on your lists needs doing next?

We've all been in that boat, feeling adrift amidst the sea of tasks and responsibilities. It's a common sensation, especially in the demanding field of kids' life coaching, where the stakes feel incredibly high. You're not just managing a business; you're shaping young lives. When the overwhelm hits, it's crucial to have a strategy to navigate through it. Here are 10 steps to consider when you find yourself wondering what to do next:

1. Pause and Breathe: It might seem counterintuitive when your to-do list is a mile long, but taking a moment to pause can actually help clear your mind and improve focus. A few deep breaths or a short meditation (mind holiday as we call it with kids) can reset your stress levels and give you a fresh perspective.

2. Prioritize: Not all tasks are created equal....

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The top tip for getting Kids Life Coaching clients

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2024

I know know, you've been told by all those online gurus that you should be targeting getting new clients by being visible online. They are 100% right, but it is not quite by doing what you may be thinking. 

I suggest that you should STOP building your brand. Yes, I know, trying NOT to build a brand sounds a little counter intuitive but it works. If you are starting out in your kids life coaching practice, you may not know this and if you've been going at it for a while, you probably do know this...

Focusing on building a brand means you've lost focus on what you are good at. Let me explain by breaking it down for you. Although I'm not inclined to focus on what you shouldn't be doing, for this purpose I want to start with what NOT to do so that you can get clients...

In my experience, the best way to get clients in your Kids Life Coaching practice is by avoiding spending to much time on these things. So try:

NOT choosing a business name

NOT creating a logo...

NOT working on your...

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Overcoming fear as a kids life coach

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2024

Today I was speaking to a lovely lady who wants to enrol in our Kids Life Coach certification but she was stuck in fear...

I told her that was perfectly normal and that she needed to start discerning between facts and feelings.

Fact: "Will I know enough to coach children?"

I told doing our kids life coach training would equip her to coach children responsibly, ethically and sustainably! Knowledge is power! If she spends time working through our Kids Life Coach Training, she will know have a solid foundation to build onto. 

Feeling: "Am I good enough to coach children?

I told her you are only as good as the last child you have coached! Experience and confidence comes with practice! Even the coaches I have trained who never had any experience working with children have excelled because we do a LOT of work building a theoretical foundation but we also work on mindset. Both a duality of importance. 

She needs to do some transformational will take time but with...

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7 Ways to coach children to have a positive attitude

Uncategorized Jun 11, 2024

Parents naturally become their children's first teachers, guiding them through learning various skills such as sports, cooking, sewing, and even academics, with many opting for homeschooling with notable success. However, offering life coaching to their own children presents a unique challenge.

To foster sustainable development in Executive Functioning Skills, it often takes an external Kids Life Studio® coach that parents trust. The impact of external affirmation on a child, from someone other than their parents or grandparents, is profound. Witnessing the joy and uplift in a child's demeanor when their efforts are recognized by an outsider is truly special. Moreover, managing a highly emotional or frequently angry child without escalating one's own emotions is a challenge where a Kids Life Coach can make a significant difference.

Our role as Kids Life Coaches is not to solve problems for parents but to coach the children directly. We have the advantage of observing the family...

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Can you fail as a Kids Life Coach?

Uncategorized May 29, 2024

I have worked with many people from around the world who ask me this question at the beginning of their journey:

"What if I get it wrong as a Kids Life Coach?"

My answer is always the same...if you have a robust coaching system in place and you have a solid foundation of knowledge in place, you can't go wrong with good intentions. 

What this means is this: 

Anybody who is coaching children with an adult coaching certification or without any certification may be at risk of failing as a Kids Life Coach. Without doing due diligence on what kids life coaching is, and what it isn't, many well intentioned people take short cuts. They want to help children but they don't necessarily know how so they find out by trial and error. To me this can be dangerous. 

Click here to enrol in our FUNdamentals of Kids Life Coaching online training

When I started my kids life coaching practice in 2003, it was with two degrees in Education and having written a family resilience programme...

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Are you serious about getting outcomes for your Kids Life Coaching clients?

Uncategorized May 22, 2024

Last week I had an unplanned coaching call with a teen coachee. She wasn't scheduled to have a maintenance coaching session with me, but she was feeling overwhelmed and reached out spontaneously via WhatsApp expressing her challenges. She sounded like she was in I called her. 

Now, as a Kids Life Coach for over two decades, this isn't something I usually do. There are boundaries that need to be kept intact as a coach and one of them is preserving your time and charging for your time. However, there are sometimes cases like this one where these boundaries need to be shifted temporarily. 

If you are serious about getting outcomes for your coaching clients, it isn't just about what you can do in your 45 minute coaching session once a week. It is way way more than that. In fact, your coaching sessions is only partway there!

What young people need is the safety and security that you are available if and when they need you. This doesn't imply an unhealthy...

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