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What is your dream as a Kids Life Coach?

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2020

A while ago I asked one of my trainee Kids Life Coaches who hadn’t achieved deadline in her course:

“What is your dream?”

She couldn’t answer me...but yet she could tell me what wasn’t working in her I told her that what you focus on is what you always get more of!!

When we first spoke at our initial interview and in our group coaching calls, she had big dreams but life (as it does..) started pulling her in many directions and she became distracted. She used her outer circumstances as an excuse for her inner procrastination and in that one small action she became a “victim” rather than a “victor”.

I have BIG audacious dreams and many people have called me crazy...if that’s what it takes then so be it!! Life often pulls me in many directions but I keep persevering because Kids Life Coaching is my big dream!

I have hard days, bad days, mad days, sad days...I make mistakes, I face challenges, I fall down.


I choose to be “crazy cool” everyday and think big dreams for children and commit to taking small daily actions that make those dreams come true!!!

Especially on my harder days. I stick to my daily routine of practicing self care. I focus inward to combat the stress of the outward.

What about you?

You don’t have to have it all mapped out (yet) just take action...what can you do today to take you closer to your desired life?

How will this impact on your children or other people’s children...

See it, feel it, make it real in your imagination first. Then trust that if you take action everyday you will achieve what you deserve!!

I am not going to sugar coat the truth...because I am all about “whispering secrets out loud” as the Secret Parent

Your life right a direct reflection of what state your thought life is in. So today make a decision to finally heal past hurts, deal with trauma, remove toxic relationships from your life, overcome fears, forgive those who have hurt you.

Then take action. It doesn’t have to be BIG action...just small manageable daily steps to get you closer to making your dreams a reality. Consistency and commitment is all it takes. So make a promise to YOU because somebody in this world deserves to enjoy the best version of YOU! Be the Secret Parent to yourself because you owe it to YOU!!

Wishing you all the success you deserve as a Kids Life Coach!

Regards with zeal,


Kids Life Studio & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder

P.S. If you would like to join a global team of world-class Kids Life Coaches, why don't you enrol in our 90 day Kids Life Coach Training


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