Kids Life Coach Academy
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Kids Life Coaching is about harnessing and nurturing a child’s strengths.

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2018

So many adults focus on what’s wrong and only when they see a child having a problem they try to put interventions in place.

There are 4 types of parents that I have identified. The type my global network of Kids Life Coaches and I like to work with most are the proactive ones!

This is the parent who realises that life throws curve balls and they know they don’t always have the capacity to stay objective in their child’s journey.

They understand the value in having a neutral and objective professional such as a Kids Life Coach equipping their children with a toolkit for life.

Rather than waiting for things to go wrong (because a problem will eventually arise...) they put measures in place beforehand to build resilience.

My tip to you is to focus on educating parents on the benefits of coaching. Even if the parent is not proactive and they may be part of the problem, I recommend always coming from a non judgemental viewpoint.

In my opinion....Parents don’t need coaching....they don’t need you telling them what to do...they don’t need to feel like they may have dropped the ball. They don’t went to be judged.

if you do a good job as a Kids Life Coach there will be a natural progression where the child’s good choices impact on the parent and makes their job easier.

This is why I am working to make Kids Life Coaching mainstream so that parents take action before things go wrong.

Coaching is not just for “problem” children but for every child at every age and stage!

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