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How can you become a success at coaching kids?

Uncategorized Feb 01, 2018

To be a success at coaching children is definitely not about being seriously adult like, it is more about tapping into that inner child of yours that is waiting to come out and play. You and I are not perfect and we are work in progress because we understand the value of being successful in life. We are human and we are also looking for our own answers and part of this is the fact that you want to make a difference and leave a legacy at the same time. So what does success mean to you? Oh my this question has been asked in many contexts and I am sure that you will understand by now that it means different things to different people.

I feel that success and leadership go hand in hand no matter the age, circumstances, background, culture, religion, opportunities or abilities. So to answer the question: How can I become a success as a Kids Life Coach? Start seeing your age as a number that is your tally of wisdom, a score card of experience and a celebration of your life well lived.

To be a World-Class Kids Life Coach is about embracing your own inner child with a positive attitude. By nurturing yourself to commit to exceeding your own boundaries are important for success.

Being a Kids Life Coach is a two-way process and just as much as you teach children, they can and will teach you more! The only way that you can be effective and a success in this very privileged work you will be doing is to coach through playing with children and having fun.

Kids Life Coach plays for a living and this means being young at heart and willing to have FUN, FUN, FUN and more FUN in educating, motivating and inspiring children to be happy!

So I want to ask you a few questions now. So if you have a journal grab it and write these questions down or scribble some answers down so that you can reflect on them later:

1. First I want to encourage you to have a good think about your own recent actions, thoughts and feelings. What are they telling you? Are you in a good space or are you feeling weathered by life?

2. Are you living in the moment by being mindful of the experiences that cross your path? Or are you rushed and stressed and struggling to get everything done in a day?

3. Now depending on the answer to that previous question, do you take the much needed time to relax and rest? Are you kind to yourself and do you partake in hobbies or pastimes that uplift you. Or are you at the whim of the other people in your life and you have lost your way and never spend time on yourself?

4. This is a biggie. Do you constantly look for people's approval? Are you doing things to be liked and accepted or are you living from a place of contentment with who you are and what you stand for?

5.Do you know your strengths and weaknesses. Now I use the word weaknesses loosely because what I actually mean is are you working on improving and growing without beating yourself up?

6. Do other people often irritate you, do you talk about other people, do you complain about others actions? What is it that is triggering you?

7.Are you feeding your body, heart and mind with nutritious food and cleansing water? How often do you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes?  Is junk food and sugar your vice? Think about why you might choose to be unhealthy? Is it linked to toxic emotions?

8.Are you living from a space of fear or a space of love. Are you reactive or proactive? Are you moving forward or are you stuck.

Now I have asked you a lot of questions that I hope have opened your mind to reflecting on how you can work towards being a World-Class Kids Life Coach. Perhaps right now you are feeling really good about yourself and you are 100% certified successful. You have given yourself your own stamp and seal of approval. Or perhaps some of these questions have left you feeling uncomfortable and doubting yourself.

My intention was to facilitate a new way of thinking. If you want to coach children and be a success at it, these are the things that you would want for them. You would want them to live their life full of passion and energy and confidence with respect for themselves and others.

I encourage you step up and embrace your life with love and grace or if you are already, to continue doing so. Your own inner world reflects outwards and to become a success at coaching children you need to give them a mirror to look at that shows them the way life intended them to be. Show them that life does not control you. It may knock you down at times, but you get to choose how you think, feel and react. The choice is yours if you want to be a success. 

We would love to share our success stories with you. If you want to connect with one of our certified Kids Life Coaches in your area visit We would love to hear from you!



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