Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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How does Kids Life Coaching help?

Uncategorized May 04, 2018

It happens everyday, where children label themselves as: not fitting in, feeling a failure, being stupid, being different, or worthless. These children didn't get to this thought space on their own. Somebody or something has reinforced their perceptions of their inabilities rather than their abilities. They have come to believe this as their truth and this leaves them vulnerable to the natural ebb and flow of stress that is part of life.

Then we have the children who feel accepted, likeable, confident. They can solve problems and overcome challenges. They are the ones who are optimistic and put a smile on their face even when they have the right to cry. What is it that makes these children able to deal with life more positively and evade the feelings of worthlessness that have come to surround other children who have faced challenges and been unable to surmount them?

The difference is that somebody somewhere, has equipped them with the tools for making responsible choices that leave them feeling good about themselves. Success breeds success and there is power in coaching children to lead a positive lifestyle where they feel in control of choices on their inside world. They may not always be able to control what happens on their outside world, but when they have a coach be it a teacher, sports coach, or parent, encouraging them to embrace a success mindset, they will be able to overcome anything that they are facing.

Coaching helps to enable, empower, educate, embrace, engage and eradicate. So let me put this into context.

Coaching ENABLES children's labelling.  A Kids Life Coach will never ever buy into labels or see a child as having something "wrong" that needs to be fixed. As a coach it is your job to focus on finding and mobilizing children's strengths & talents.

Coaching EMPOWERS children to be leaders in their own right. You can do this irrelevant of their background, circumstances or abilities. Every child has potential, no matter what behaviour they are displaying. Every child has the ability to become the leader of their own life and in time to come, the leader of others.

Coaching EDUCATES children by giving them a practical toolkit of skills that they can use in their everyday life.Not something that is in books, or talking therapy or something that they can’t apply.

Coaching EMBRACES every child that you coach with unconditional love and acceptance, will leaves them feeling valued and this will result in self confidence that allow them to meet their own potential.

Coaching ENGAGES children in their own self development processes and in their own personal ongoing growth through embracing a growth mindset that focuses on being a lifelong learner.

Coaching ERADICATES stigma's, faulty belief systems and negative self fulfilling prophecies through sharing with children brain based theories that change the way they think, act and behave.

Being a Kids Life Coach is about striving for excellence, by being heart centred & focused on serving and to do this means looking after your own well-being first. The Kids Life Studio® believes in the potential of every child we believe that choices are made easy when we give children a toolkit to support them.  The thing is that do you have a toolkit in place to support yourself?

My wish for you is to be a mentor, role model and a coach to a child or children in your care. A respected role model that walks the walk and talks the talk and because of this, you get results. Just like my network of global coaches, your success is reliant on the success of the children that you coach.

I know that you share our vision and that you really have a heart for making a difference in children's lives. You come from a place of personal experience and understanding and it is this authenticity that is your ally.

As Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Become the leader of your own life, by making small or big choices today that will improve your own well-being so that you can build a solid foundation for coaching children to make their own choices.

Should you want to become a certified Kids Life Coach, you will be allocated a Master Coach who will support you on building your own well-being that is directly linked to the success of the children you coach. We invite you to apply for our Kids Life Coach Certification by clicking here


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