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How Kids Life Coaching supports parents with overwhelm

Uncategorized Mar 05, 2024

Okay so let us speak about this up front. Parent coaching is not what we do at Kids Life Studio®! It's not that there isn't a time and place for this, but for us we work with the whole family with a strong focus on the child facing various wobbles or challenges. After assessing their lifestyle and stressors, we tailor make a programme to give them skills that can be transferred into the whole family. Parents love this non invasive approach that empowers their whole family to understand their roles and responsibilities. 

So often, we see parents approach us for support at their wits end and really struggling to cope with their child. They are overwhelmed and they want help and they want it yesterday!  They want us to TELL them what to do and how to do it. We reassure them that we have an easier way....

Sometimes they believe us and they patiently allow us to do our magic in our 4 week foundational kids life coaching programme and sometimes they refuse to accept that we may not have the answers they need. Either way, our job as Kids Life Coaches is to use our Play Based Coaching System approach to support parents to rationalise their child's situation and see hope where they may feel hopeless and perhaps a little helpless. 

When done properly, Kids Life Coaching supports parents to put the puzzle pieces together in their own family in a non invasive and non judgemental way that empowers the whole family.  We do this through working with multi-disciplinary teams when needed and holding the parents hands as a tour guide. 

Overwhelm is usually as the result of too much information and not enough logic behind it. Parents often approach coaches feeling overwhelmed from a plethora of referrals for their child - usually made by the school.

They need support for their children to build a toolkit to navigate the challenges they may be facing. A Kids Life Coach can help to design a tailor made coaching programme to assist children but also to support parents to put the puzzle pieces together so that their child can be supported collaboratively in the context of previously being labelled with a neurodevelopmental disorder, illness or learning difficulty.   


So if you are a Kids Life Coach and you want to support parents with their overwhelm, my top tip is this....

Don't try to TELL parents what to do. Allow them to find their own way with your gentle, non invasive guidance. This gives them hope. With so many conflicting parenting experts all giving their own version of advice, our aim is to simplify the overwhelm!

Happy coaching and remember that overwhelm is only temporary! With encouragement, unconditional support and a clear focused plan of action, you can guide parents to find their way amidst any challenges they may be facing. A rainbow comes after a storm...

Sending much love and zeal,


Kids Life Studio® Founder 




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