Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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Kids life coaching is about this one thing

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2022

Last year I did my dissertation research on mental well-being during Covid for my Masters Degree in Clinical Child Psychology.

I interviewed 12-year olds around the world…asking them who and what was the most helpful to them during Covid. All of them shared ONE thing in common…


👍They enjoyed time playing board games with their siblings and parents.

👍They valued shared time cooking family meals together or for each other.

👍They appreciated sitting around a table and eating meals together.

👍They loved the extra unhindered time with family with fewer extra murals and distractions.

How you spend time with children counts!!! That is why our kids life coach training is so powerful!

Our students come from a range of backgrounds such as teaching, social work, psychology and life coaching. No matter their background and experience, our training is underpinned by our highest value at The Kids Life Studio® which is RELATIONSHIPS.

Children are yearning for real, meaningful connection not only with their family, but also their friends. Sometimes this isn't possible in the day to day hustle and bustle and everyday challenges of life. So in a position as a Kids Life Coach, we get to form, those deeper connections where children are free to express openly.

This isn't therapy! 

Therapy is about overcoming challenging mental health issues, labels, trauma and loss. Coaching children does not focus on the past or offer a diagnosis.

 In kids life coaching, the coach and the child work together to create a deeper awareness. They collaborate to design tailor-made actions with easy workable toolkits for building new habits.

Life coaching for kids is effective for a number of reasons, the primary being that the relationship is mutually beneficial and the child and kids life coach are considered equal partners in the coaching relationship.  This is fundamental to the success our global network of world-class Kids Life Coaches show! 

RELATIONSHIPS trump everything! Why do you think so many well meaning therapists take years and years to achieve results...because simply put...children need ongoing support that is realistic and aimed at empowering them not only in a one hour session, but outside of the session. A therapist's works revolves around professional boundaries and protocols which sometimes stifle the child's natural communication mode which is play.

Our practical tangible toolkits give children the opportunity to transfer the skills and knowledge from their kids life coaching sessions into the real-world! Our process also only takes around 7 months to complete! We assess pre and post coaching programme so the results are also measurable and we value long-term sustainable success!

With play being the language of childhood, we use this as a useful way to connect with children and give them the opportunity to grow! Our interactive coaching sessions are fun and stimulating but also based on sound psychological and scientific principles. All of our methods are evidence informed and we get results because we know what has already worked and we have tweaked this to suit children!

My research into what children found useful in Covid was so eye-opening because it once again confirmed that our global network and our kids life coach certifications have this ONE thing that is so important to the success of any child.


Thank you for being a children's change maker and supporting children to become the leaders of their own lives! If you want to know more fill in a Statement of Interest and book an appointment with a certifications consultant!

Sending love and zeal your way!


Kids Life Studio® & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder




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