Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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Play based coaching gets the results that adult life coaching can't!

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2020

There is a common misperception that adult life coaching which involves helping the coachee to focus on and achieve their clearly defined goals, is applicable to children. Nothing could be further from the truth which is why The Kids Life Studio® has developed a unique child-friendly coaching model that is directly related to the needs of the developing brain. 

Life coaching for children is about creating new habits related to making healthy lifestyle choices, that not only build a sense of self worth, but improve the overall quality of life. Play based Coaching is fundamentally about equipping children with a toolkit for navigating their daily choices in a fun, non invasive way that is easy to understand and apply.

There is a plethora of well researched evidence on the benefits of “Play in childhood.” It was for this reason that I founded a play based coaching model for children in 2003. As an ex-teacher, I understood the dynamics of engaging children in a creative way and besides I love to boast that I "play" for a living!

I developed a unique play based Kids Life Coaching model that engages children to “speak a language that they are already fluent in.” Based on well researched methodologies, I have packaged brain based learning in such a way that children are able to be constructively coached through play.

It has been found that when children feel the benefits of Play Based Coaching, it becomes a powerful motivator for maintaining daily habits and routines that impact positively on their mental well-being.

The benefits of our Kids Life Studio® Play Based Life Coaching model for children include:

1. Having a flexible attitude

2. Making constructive plans

3. Communicating well

4. Managing strong feelings

5. Being confident

6. Seeing the bigger picture

7. Taking care of themselves

8. Being connected to others

9. Having empathy

10. Taking responsibility

11. Taking action on their dreams

12. To think both in and out of the box

If you want to learn more about how you can use this play based coaching model, you can also enrol in our Play Well Live Well online course which we are launching on World Happiness Day 20 March!!

Click here to get an exclusive voucher code for a discount off this amazing course during the month of March 2020!

Regards with Zeal,

Zelna Zeal

Kids Life Studio® & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder 


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