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The one big reason Kids Life Coaching online is not as effective as building real face to face relationships

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2022

Can I have a little rant please...pretty please...

For those of you who don't know my journey....I have been coaching children since 2003...a long time...and in this time I have had to learn, grow and adapt. In the beginning, I didn't have anybody showing me how to do things and being in a brand new field with nobody to follow, I did a LOT of figuring things out. Especially when it came to promoting and marketing my services. 

This is why I love working with new students in my Kids Life Coach Academy school. They are all super smart because they want to help children, but they know the true cost of wasting time doing things through trial and error. The children's change makers who invest into our training, want to take action quickly and they understand the value of learning from somebody else who has done the hard groundwork before them. 

So why the rant today....well, when I started my coaching practice. Get this. There was NO  social media available! That is almost two decades ago and for the first 6 years of coaching children, there was no twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok...or anything remotely similar to how many people promote themselves today!

Yet, since the advent of this 'veneered' online world, I have seen many children's change makers believe that being on social media is going to launch their business. I a small extent. We all need an online presence to showcase our expertise. BUT....and this is a big BUT....with so much happening online, it is important to do the ONE thing that will ensure the your coaching practice is sustainable!

So backtrack to my first five years of coaching WITHOUT any social media for promotion. I was successful with a full thriving practice! I had client waiting lists!

How did I do this?

I built on the ground relationships and I served my community. I moved location multiple times and each time managed to replicate this.

So rant it starts...

Why then...since the 2020 pandemic....have soooooo many coaches decided to move their coaching practice online?? it is sooooo frustrating.

I know I have to move with the times and I know that I have to be mindful that where this is need and demand we need to service this and meet our clients where they are.

This is why I see a hybrid blend of both working...face to face and online.

Don't let fear and convenience be your drivers to how you serve your clients. I understand that many of you have cottoned onto the whole "lifestyle" business concept that is all over social media.

I saw a friend today post on his Facebook feed that a while ago that he went into his old London office for the first time in two years!!  When people asked him how it was...he said he had really missed the connection.  You see, people thrive on connection and children especially need our undivided face to face attention.

I am not saying don't coach online...I am simply saying that if there is an option to rather coach face to face please do it! Relationship building is the NUMBER ONE contributing factor to the success of your coaching sessions. 

Okay rant over...

Who is with me on this one?

If you want to fast track your success as a Kids Life Coach, check out how we can help. You don't need to spend time figuring things out! We've got your back and with our global network across over 40 countries around the world...we have different perspectives and collective wisdom too!

So get off social media and start building will be surprised at how your coaching practice takes off!

Regards with zeal,

Zelna Lauwrens

Kids Life Studio® & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder


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