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Preventing Suicide & Self Harm in children through Kids Life Coaching

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2019

Yesterday, I attended a National Conference in Suicide & Self Harm in Young People at Goldsmiths University in London, UK.

I thought it was going to be sombre and depressing and to be honest I was more than a little anxious in the lead up to the conference. You see as a children's change maker since 2003...I have always struggled to face up to the reality that children as young as age 10 choose to take their own lives.

 The aim of the conference was to secure pathways for minimising suicide & premature deaths and maximising hope and wellbeing. There were leading psychiatrists and researchers from around the world sharing their insights. 

I should share...that I was once fact multiple times...nobody knew...I am lucky to be alive with the help of loved ones, doctors and medical interventions ❤️

I conquered my own depression and after being in hospital twice to heal from a “broken brain” nobody could see....

Pretending I was away on holiday...because I was too embarrassed to admit I felt weak...tired...helpless and hopeless..That I had given up and didn’t want to live...

I now wear my past mental health challenges proudly. If I can speak up and save a child from making a permanent decision to a temporary challenge...then I feel my struggles were not in vain.

If you haven’t felt what it feels like to feel the dark lure of death entice you...don’t judge. 

People who take their lives are not weak. Their brains are traumatised and so they make decisions based on fear.

I lost my cousin and my uncle to Suicide in the past two years...I love them and miss them. I don't understand why...even though...I do know why...they just succumbed to the hopelessness and the dark heavy depression in a moment that could have been prevented. 

So perhaps that is why I was so anxious attending the conference. Not only because I don't like to face the harsh reality that children are hurting themselves and choosing to die...but also because I was once suicidal...and I have lost two dear family members to suicide.

I was so pleasantly surprised after attending because I left feeling inspired and uplifted and mobilised to be even more part of the solution! I thought I would be feeling heavy and tired...I felt the exact opposite!

The presenters gave real-time insights into solutions that are working right now! Now let's get real here...these were psychiatrists and therapists and so their work is high level stuff. So I left the conference thinking...I need to give access to what I learnt to people like me...who want to make a difference but who aren't necessarily interested in the fancy stuff.

You see I am all about action as a change maker for just like that...I decided to launch a brand new FREE online course on Universal Children's Day, 20 November 2019 on Preventing Suicide & Self Harm in children.

So enrol to be inspired just like I be part of the solution!

This course will be easy to understand and will give you tips, tools and techniques to support children in overcoming anxiety, stress and depression.

I am super excited about suicide and self harm now...I sounds weird...but I see hope...I really really do...and you can be part of the solution! So I hope you enrol to find out how Kids Life Coaching can prevent suicide and self harm in children! 

Regards with Zeal,

Zelna Lauwrens

Kids Life Studio & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder

P.S. If you are reading this after 20 November, head over to our home page and click on the button to enrol for FREE or visit our school page!



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