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Robin Sharma believes in the power of life coaching for children

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2018

Robin of The Monk who sold his Ferrari is somebody I respect highly in the adult coaching space. Here are his 10 wishes that he says he holds for the new world we are building. I believe that as children's change makers, they are especially applicable and he often speaks of children and also supports his own foundation for children.

He gives the advice:  

"No kid is perfect. But could I gently suggest that today, you make a commitment to celebrating the best within children. Make them feel special. Help them stand proud."

 This is what my global network and I coach kids to understand at a young age. Our tag line at The Kids Life Studio is "where choices are made easy." The transformation we see when children make good choices is magical. They stand proud and success breeds success which is so powerful! 

Here is what Robin Sharma says:

#1. I wish for a world where everyone understands that discomfort is the price of legendary. And fear is just growth coming to get you.

#2. I wish for a world where people understand that life is short. So today's the time to do big things.

#3. I wish for a world where success is measured not by what we take nor by what we get. Just by what we give. And who we become.

#4. I wish for a world that gets that your "I Can" is exponentially more important than your IQ.

#5. I wish for a world that understands that leadership is less about a title and the size of your position. And so much more about your mindset. And one's devotion to work like Picasso painted.

#6. I wish for a world with less ego, more humility. Less being busy, more productivity. Less entertainment, more education. Less selfies, more selfless. [There, I said it!].

#7. I wish for a world that sees each day as a life in miniature. And every moment as a platform for personal heroism.

#8. I wish for a world where every single citizen has no idea how to quit. Just factory installed relentlessness.

#9. I wish for a world that has learned that we grow fearless by walking into our fears.

#10. I wish for a world of victors versus victims, encouragers versus deniers and dreamers versus destroyers. Because how high you fly is derived from how big you think. And how iconic you become is caused by how deeply you love.

May you go out there and educate, motivate and inspire children to become the leaders of their lives just like Robin says!

Regards with zeal,


Kids Life Studio® & Kids Life Coach Academy founder


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