Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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Signs that a kids life coach isn’t doing their job

Uncategorized Mar 02, 2023
In the past few months, I have had a very sad realisation. No matter how comprehensive any training programme is, no matter how much encouragement a student gets, no matter how much money is invested...if a person lacks in a WHY, they will lose focus.
Since 2009, I have been training professionals to use my play based coaching model to support children in over 45 countries around the world. I do this...not because I believe that I am well experienced, or have a viable coaching model, or because I saw a gap in the market that desperately needed to be filled....but because my big WHY is to build the largest global network of world class kids life coaches to positively support children in their local communities. I wanted to do this in a sustainable and ethical way that leaves families filled with hope and encouragement and most importantly, a toolkit to tackle life's challenges with resilience and confidence. 
Yet...despite my online Kids Life Coach training being more comprehensive than any other programme out there, I sometimes see failure to launch but worse yet....I see coaches taking short cuts once certified because the 'easy way' is often more attractive in a life filled with other priorities and challenges. 
So I wanted to share the signs that a Kids Life Coach isn't doing their job...
  • disrespect confidentiality and speak disrespectfully about parents who may be 'dropping the ball'.
  • emergency protocol and safeguarding procedures are out of date and they don't have insurances in place.
  • makes experimental recommendations based on random articles read or courses attended without doing due diligence and the research needed to verify such recommendations. 
  • lack of specialty in an area - they generalise their skills and feel they can help all families with all problems.
  • disregard for their clients values. They push their own religious, cultural, parental agenda and lose the essence of respecting personal choices in their clients. 
  • unethical behaviors or actions that “walk the line” where they say one thing in their coaching practice and do another in their personal life - drinking alcohol, smoking, over eating, not exercising to name a few. 
  • frequent self-disclosure that isn't appropriate or needed. Whilst authenticity is the hallmark of a good kids life coach, there is a fine line between what should and should not be shared. 
  • leaves clients feeling worse with no action items because they lack in preparation and don't stick to a formula or programme that has measurable results. 
  • judges or shames their clients with micro aggressions and projections that show that they haven't done their own self care work or partaken in much needed therapeutic interventions to overcome their own traumas. 
  • fails to commit to being part of an organisation that regulates kids life coaching and holds them accountable for their actions. 
  • doesn't see lifelong learning as valuable as they are too busy. They also stop attending supervision sessions to gain support with their own clients. 

I could probably add a few more to the list, but I am going to stop there. Since Covid...I have seen a rapid and steady decline in commitment and effort from many of the coaches I have had the privilege of training. it is almost as if the world is yawning and collectively our human race is tired. is the time that children's change makers have the opportunity to step up and actually be the difference by supporting families.

So if you are feeling uninspired right now. Perhaps a little deflated. Maybe you feel despondent because you aren't getting it right...Maybe many of the things on this list relate to you (although if you are reading are probably one of those coaches who makes the effort to do things the right way).

No matter where you are right now...all I ask of you is to revisit your big WHY....why did you choose to become a Kids Life Coach in the first place? Once you get clear on this answer, you will start seeing the joy and rewards in your kids life coaching practice. 

Don't give up...even if you may have lost your way for a little bit! Children need you and a recent report from Save the Children says that 774 million children face the dual threat of poverty and climate crisis! Whilst I am not asking you to tackle the bigger problems like this...I am asking you to do what you can in your local community. It starts with you taking small dedicated and committed actions and remaining steadfast in your WHY.

If you are already a certified Kids Life Studio® coach and a member of our affiliation, I encourage you to keep attending our twice weekly group mentorship sessions for best practices and supervision support. Remember you don't have to do it alone...and if you choose to do it with others outside of our network of world class kids life coaches, make sure you surround yourself with coaches who aren't doing things that are on my list above!

My wish for you is to have a lucrative and successful Kids Life Coaching practice. I believe that anybody who chooses this 'job' has a calling. This is about more than just earning a good income to support your family and lifestyle...this is about being part of the change!

Sending much love and zeal,

Zelna - Inspired Contributor to children globally

Founder Kids Life Studio® and Kids Life Coach Academy



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