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The one thing that shows you are cheating as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2022

I love sharing time in our Teaching Tuesday mindset mentorship calls and Thinking Thursday Peer Supervision calls with our students and certified Kids Life Coaches!!

I have noticed that those who excel as coaches are dedicated to shaping their thinking by surrounding themselves with likeminded people.

Recently in one of our Tuesday mentorship sessions, I shared on the topic of “Cheating your way through life.

I asked attendees:

"Are you doing this one thing?”

Many of them didn't even know that they were actually holding themselves back from being a world-class Kids Life Coach….

I spoke about just this ONE thing!!!! As you're reading this...You probably don’t even realise you may ALSO be doing it!! Even if you aren't part of our team and getting peer to peer supervision and mentorship....You need to know this!

I used to do it….when I first started my career as a Kids Life Coach in 2003….but now I know better….

So can you guess what this one thing is? 

Guessed yet?

It's making excuses!

When I got ill recently, I fell into this trap and I realised I was cheating myself and others...I started making excuses as to why I couldn't do things and they were valid. But... the problem was that I was sugar coating it as I was scared of what people would think. So my excuses were shrouded in secrecy...

So what does this mean...

Well, I would use a valid excuse to hide the fact that I was unwell but I wasn't telling the whole truth that my energy levels were low and I was unable to perform as usual. As a recovering perfectionist and somebody who loves to share and teach...I felt unable to leverage my energy enough to overcome my desire to step into my power. I knew I could...but I just couldn't!!

Yet I knew I was being I was cheating myself out of getting better by worrying about not being able to serve and attend all of our bi-weekly mentorship sessions. Luckily I have a great team to back me up and stand in for me!

So what was all the worry about really? 

It was about my inability to embrace and accept 'what is'. I wanted to be well but wasn't. So instead of accepting, I tried to deny it away! 

Eventually I realised that I was cheating myself. We need to embrace showing up authentically as ourselves.So I shared my story with our global team and they fully understood and were fully supportive.

So why do we cheat ourselves as Kids Life Coaches? We have this strong desire to show up for others and help and support them but we fail to show up for ourselves. So we end up making excuses!!

Stop it! (this is me speaking to me as well!)

As a Kids Life Coach who is world-class, you need to embrace your strengths and limitations and sometimes this means acknowledging that you don't have an endless energy supply fuelling you up!

Practicing good self care is not selfish. It is about recharging yourself and being well enough to take care of your clients. That is what being world-class means!

So what will you do today to show up as a world-class Kids Life Coach? How about ditching the excuses and just accepting 'what is'. Embrace your situation and work around it to the best of your ability. You've got this!

Regards with zeal,


Kids Life Studio® and Kids Life Coach Academy Founder


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