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The truth about Kids Life Coaching nobody ever tells you!

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2024

I am so pleased that when I started my Kids Life Coaching journey way back in 2003...I was naive, filled with optimism and perhaps a little too "blue sky" in my thinking! You see, I believed I could do anything for children and that nobody could stop me!

I really truly believed it!


Well, because I really cared! For me, coaching children wasn't just a career change from my teaching career which I absolutely loved. It was my way to serve my local community, earn an income and make a difference.

With over two decades experience under my belt, I know my stuff BUT what nobody ever told probably not even related to what you think!! 

You see when I first started coaching children, there were no other companies doing what I was doing. I was the first! I pioneered my approach in South Africa (now expanded to countries all over the world!) simply because I believed I could and I wanted to help children. The biggest problems I saw facing children back then was watching too much the problems are magnified with even more access to technology and social media at their finger tips.

My coaching practice started before children had mobile phones and I wasn't up against the invisible forces of online influencers vying for the children's attention I was coaching.  

This is what nobody ever tells you when you launch your coaching practice these days....That you will never stop learning and that there will always something new to learn and that you will be up against young social media influencers who usually spew misinformation!!

The truth is that children are at risk of being sucked into an online world of having a good image, shifting communication that involves typing rather than talking and a superficial view of what it means to have a relationship. 

Our job as Kids Life Coaches is to support children in seeing that being human involves more than just an online world and that chatbots, Artificial intelligence and social media are here to stay and we need to be ahead of the curve.

So rather than fight it, we need to encourage children to engage in their world meaningfully by showing them first hand the value of relationships and face to face interaction. 

Nobody ever told me when I started coaching that I would have to be on my toes 24/7!! That I would have to stay ahead of the curve...keep up to date with the trends: what children are wearing, what they are watching, games they are playing, their interests etc. etc.

This is why I absolutely love our global Kids Life Studio® Coach network. We are always sharing information with each other, connecting twice a week in the zoom room and collaborating and communicating new ideas and best practices with each other! really beats doing it alone!! Imagine having to figure everything out for yourself! If you have been thinking of joining our global network, please feel free to reach out and set up a time to speak. All you have to do is fill in a statement of interest.

So now that you know the truth....that you can't and don't have to know everything and that you simply don't need to figure things out alone....I wish you well as a Kids Life Coach!

Regards with zeal,


Kids Life Studio® Founder 


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