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How does trauma impact on children and how can Kids Life Coaching help?

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2020

A decade ago...when faced with residual trauma...I threw myself into my work and lost sight of who I was and why I was doing the work I was doing....I burnt out! As a Kids Life Coach this is not a good place to be!

I lost the essence of me...

It has taken many years of personal development work and inner resourcefulness and changing belief systems that were not serving me to get to the space where I am now.

A space where I am still healing but where I feel strong enough to face life’s challenges with confidence.

Although I LOVE my work as an authority in the field of peak performance, leadership and resilience in could I possibly give of my best if I wasn’t looking after me?

I have dealt with my trauma and still continue to work on things when the “gremlins” rear their heads. You see life has a way of sending us the exact lessons we need to heal and grow. When we ignore them...they will keep coming...this doesn’t make us victims...

A big part of facing up to the reality YOU have created...because YES often we are to blame for making problems bigger through not taking personal accountability .... is to sometimes just be just feel. To heal and to ask for help when you need it. 

If you are so busy that you never have “time” you rethink your trajectory...

My wish is that every parent who has trauma heals so that their children can get the childhood they deserve. My wish is that Kids Life Coaching becomes mainstream to support parents in their quest. 

Secret whispered out loud...we ALL have trauma in one way or just varies in degrees...Whether or not acute trauma develops into post traumatic trauma depends on how you take care of your mental well-being. 

Children need a family where feelings are friends and resilience is the elastic band that enables them to bounce back because they are supported. This is how we can prevent developmental trauma from manifesting into adult mental health issues. 

Our prison systems are full of adults who were faced with trauma as children and had nobody to support them. You are a children's change maker and part of that change means taking care of yourself. If you have unresolved trauma, now is your time to stop the cycle and heal. 

What will you do differently today if you are faced with "issues" and challenges that are holding you back from your real purpose...

Will you keep on keeping busy...or will you stop and do something about healing...Your clients need you to take care of them, so take care of you to!

Childhood trauma is the biggest contributor to mental health issues in later life. Kids Life Coaching is the antidote to that problem. Prevention is always better than thank you for being part of the solution. Giving children the skills to cope with life and its ups and downs is the biggest gift you can give them!

Regards with Zeal,


Kids Life Studio and Kids Life Coach Academy Founder 


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