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Trial and error is not the answer when you are a life coach for children

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2018

When I first started coaching children 15 years ago there were no official certifications like there are today....

I had no other option but to dive in and research, explore, educate and develop myself. So I learnt all about:

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
EQ (Emotional Intelligence)
Social Psychology
Positive Psychology
Life Coaching

I attended courses and became familiar in all of them. Thinking they would help me coach...but they didn’t...

It was only when I took the best parts of each and put them into my own coaching model that I started feeling confident!

Yet I was constantly worried...

Was I getting it right?
What if I couldn’t help a child?
What if I did more damage than good?
What if parents didn’t see results?

Fast track to today and I am super confident and have a global network of world class trained Kids Life Coaches who are brand ambassadors for my organisation The Kids Life Studio.

How did I do this...

Lots of sleepless nights.
Lots of trial and error
Lots of figuring things out
Lots of getting it wrong
Lots of learning from experience

My kids life Coaching tip to you is that it doesn’t have to be the same for you!

Make sure you are properly equipped and aligned with a certification or training that gives you not only the theory but also the practical side of coaching children.

Rather than worry about “getting it right” choose to learn how others are doing it.

Yes...I eventually figured it out and today my 10-step coaching model gets proven results but what took me years could take you just 90 days if you join my Kids Life Coach Certification.

If you want to stop worrying and start getting results then complete an application and set up a time to speak to me 

I look forward to supporting you in your journey to coaching children to be the leaders of their own life!!!

Regards with Zeal,


Kids Life Studio® & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder


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