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Play Based Coaching is about removing the labels

Uncategorized Nov 10, 2022

When I did my Masters Degree in Clinical Child Psychology

It was gruelling.
It was exhilarating.
It was exhausting.
It was uplifting.

Being accepted into pretty much unrelated degree to my Bachelor of Education Honours degree based only on my experience was an adventure of note!

I did tons of assignments from ADHD to Autism to Bipolar and more….from Trauma to Social Support….child abuse to suicide. I learnt the intricacies of brain development and neurodevelopmental disorders.I read research papers and attended lectures that left me full of new insights.

As a Psychiatry researcher at Oxford University, I have found ample evidence that labels are for things and not for kids!  I have learnt through the evidence, that a lot of children are misdiagnosed and incorrectly supported. I learnt that “testing” and “medicating” (as I have always believed) is not always the answer as many times complex trauma caused by adverse childhood experiences (ACE's) is overlooked.

Most of all I learnt that play based coaching is valuable and needed. There is a HUGE gap that I identified in 2003 when I designed and developed this non invasive way to support children.

I have always believed that not all children need therapy….some need coaching. I am a coach at heart! A Kids Life Coach….

I am constantly expanding on my toolbox and with ongoing research, I am  more determined to “educate, motivate and inspire” children and their parents who may be ‘different’ or who may be experiencing challenges.

Coaching is a modality that empowers, equips, enables and educates.

Despite there being a need for therapy where trauma is experienced I know this for certain....

It takes a “global village to raise a child”.

Every parent.
Every teacher.
Every social worker.
Every sports coach.
Every therapist.

Needs to walk the walk and talk the talk as role models to children.

I will always just be a “secret parent”. a mentor, a role model, a guide, a teacher, a coach!!



All of us are “secret parents” and the answer to happy children lays within us.

Sending much love and zeal,



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