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Why it is important to listen to your intuition as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Oct 11, 2023

A year ago, I embarked on a glorious adventure as a student at Oxford University enrolled in my DPhil in Psychiatry. It has been the most adventurous and exhilarating time and I have learnt so much and made connections that are indispensable. 

During this time, I developed my "Intuitive Resilience Theory" based on speaking to hundreds of professionals around the world and I will be presenting my research next year at a variety of conferences. Click here to check out our events calendar and perhaps you can join me!

As a kids life coach, intuition is one of the leading driving forces behind our success with children. Intuition comes from previous experience that gives you the wisdom to discern what a child needs. Listening to this little inner voice or gentle nudging is imperative if you want to stay on track with a child. 

When last have you dropped your cognitive thinking to actually tap into what you are feeling about a situation in your kids life coaching sessions? You may have felt what a child needed/what was wrong/challenges they couldn't speak about but that you sensed. What happens when you ignore these intuitive may step into the realm of academic thinking....which often leads to overthinking and missing the nuances of what a child needs. 

This is why our tailor made coaching programmes are so innovative. We intuitively navigate a child's lifestyle after doing a comprehensive online assessment that gives us a road map for moving forward. If we rely only on the data and we don't "read between the lines", we may not be able to help a child achieve their goals. 

So how do you listen to your intuition? You can journal in the mornings after doing a mind holiday (meditation), you can take a walk in nature, immerse yourself in water, do some breath work, detox or listen to healing music. Whatever you choose to do, the aim is to step out of your thinking into your feeling...allow yourself to be immersed in possibilities for your little clients. This means focusing on what you know they can do rather than what your mind tells you they can't. 

So what action steps will you take today to ignite your intuition and to release that little spark of creativity and joy that every child deserves to experience in your coaching sessions? Send me your ideas!

Regards with zeal,


Kids Life Studio® Founder


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