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Why you need to practice self care as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Nov 12, 2020

I have been coaching children for almost two decades. I used to have a habit of always putting myself last. In my mind, the children always came first and I was willing to sacrifice my own time to support children no matter the consequence for my mental health.

My advice after many years of this yo-yo faulty thinking is that if you are doing the same thing, you are heading for burnout....just like me...

So just stop it!! That's what I had to do but I learnt the hard way. It took me hitting rock bottom in terms of my health before I realised that I needed to practice self care first over and above anything else. I was getting my priorities all wrong!

When your mobile phone is flat you charge it.

The same goes for you!

Every single day you should be doing something relaxing to keep your “battery trickle charged” I make time for myself everyday now. I start my day with a little yoga...and I have a walk at lunch time whenever I am able to. I go to bed every night reading a good fiction book. 

Just these self care habits and making time to "live life" rather than filling my days with anxiety over my long 'to-do' list has been a game changer for me.

Also....I am not sure if you can relate to this, but when I am stressed and anxious...I don't get as much done. Procrastination is the thief of time, so plan yourself so that you can maximise the hours you have available. Diarise time to do fun things that fulfil you and enhance your mental well-being. 

That way you never feel guilty taking time out you deserve! Remember as a Kids Life Coach, you are supporting children to make good choices. Just like our Kids Life Studio tagline says: Where choices are made need to make good choices in your own life to.

So what bad habits do you need to change that are sabotaging your self care as a Kids Life Coach? I believe that you just need to target one of these at a time. Start steps...don't over do it. Just take care of yourself and never compromise on this. 

The reason...

Your clients deserve to be supported by you with ALL of you! They don't need you tired, irritable, distracted and stressed. Children deserve to have the best of you...prepared, energised, happy, relaxed and focused.

The choice is yours....and it is what sets mediocre coaches apart from world-class Kids Life Coaches

So what will you do to work towards becoming a world-class Kids Life Coach like our Kids Life Studio® Brand Ambassadors

Remember it's not about you....but it is ALL about you. Your health is your wealth and without it, you can't support children!

Regards with Zeal


Kids Life Studio & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder


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