Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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Why telling stories to children isn't good enough as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2024

For many years, I have been speaking to potential students interested in enrolling in our training. They ask me how our Play Based Coaching System® works. They are interested in our approach and almost always have been led to believe that it involves telling stories to children!

I am not sure where this misinformation has come from. Although there is a lot of truth in the fact that children love a good story book....especially colourful ones with a meaningful and fun protagonist...stories in coaching sessions are simply a waste of time. 

Let me tell you why!

In younger children, stories are meant for bedtime. This is a special time for parents to spend with their children reading to them and perhaps imparting a few incidental "words of wisdom" that teach them life skills.

As a children's author...I LOVE stories....but do I use my own Zeal the Zebra book in my coaching sessions? Nope...not at all! But do I recommend my book to parents and teachers? For sure!

You see, a properly trained kids life coach will never spend time reading a story to a child in a coaching session. This is precious time that should be reserved for building a relationship, opening up communication and embedding important life skills that can easily be translated into life. 

So if you are the kind of coach that is relying just on telling children stories in your coaching sessions...I am sorry....but the science and evidence points to the fact that this simply isn't enough!

Our Play Based Coaching System® uses elements of story telling, role play, art, crafts, dance, movement, sport, nature and science to engage and connect with children. All of this is done in a very robust way that allows our Kids Life Studio® coaches to engage with the children they coach on an individual level. 

If you want to use my plug and play Teen coaching programme that gives you access to a free journal or my Zeal the Zebra kids coaching programme that gives you access to the book and sound tracks along with all means give it a go...

BUT if you think that is all that you can use to get results, I want to discourage you! You need way way more than that. These are merely motivational tools to use as part of your coaching sessions. 

In fact, imagine a child going to a psychologist or therapist and they spend time reading them a story and asking them questions...I am sure the parents wouldn't be thrilled at the outcome...not to mention how BORING it would be for the poor child. 

So why then do some coaches feel intent on reading stories during their coaching sessions. We have certified Kids Life Studio® Coaches in our network who have a library of books appropriate for children and they send them an added adventure to consolidate their coaching sessions! That to me is way more useful than wasting time during a coaching session reading to a child. 

So if you have been led to believe that reading stories or telling stories to children during your coaching sessions is enough...reach out to us to find out a better way of doing things! You don't know what you don't know until you know it! 

Our Kids Life Coaching FUNdamentals course offers insight into our approach so if you haven't already, head over their to enrol!

Wishing you lots of fun, play and success as you coach children to lead meaningful, mindful and fulfilling happy lives!

Regards with zeal,


Kids Life Studio® Founder 


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