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BREAKING NEWS... about kids life coaching

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2023

I started coaching children in 2003. A time were as a pioneer in this new field, I had nobody to follow and nobody to teach me. As a lifelong learner and with at that stage a teaching degree under my belt, I put the puzzle pieces together as best I could. It was only when I did my Honours degree in Psychology of Education in 2005 that I realised just how many gaps there were in education and supporting children. So I started devouring books, courses and trainings to learn as much as I could about the best way to support children for long term results. With so much knowledge under my belt, I felt the need to consolidate my life's work and I did a Masters Degree in Clinical Child Psychology in 2020. Yet again....I saw gaps in the knowledge and glaring loopholes to young psychologists being trained to support children. 

The good that I realised that intuitively, I had co-designed a programme with the children I had coached and that my play based coaching model was indeed spot on. Whilst simple, it was structured in such a way that honoured each child's individuality by giving them age appropriate skills as a foundation to lifelong success.  Many people don't necessarily understand or agree with Kids Life Coaching since they say parents should be the first place of education for a child. 

Yet with the change in our global landscape and families no longer living in 'villages', children are lacking in exposure to different views, collective wisdom and social support. According to the Harvard Centre for the Developing Child, the number one buffer to the world's challenges and toxic influences is having ONE caring adult to guide and direct. Now imagine having a whole village! 

At Kids Life Studio®, despite every one of our certified Kids Life Coaches working independently in their own communities, we take great pride in sharing our collective wisdom. With our twice weekly mentorship sessions where we share best practices and case studies and work on our mindset, we are a global village for every child everywhere. 

Currently as a DPhil Psychiatry student at Oxford University, I have been reading so many research papers and my current research is on the spirit of play and I found something remarkable....

Did you know that one week of skipping ropes, climbing trees and playing hop scotch shows better results in stressed and anxious children than one month of traditional therapy. (*Disclaimer: Read Below)

If you want to know more, come and visit my next Teaching Tuesday or Thinking Thursday group mentorship session if you are a current student or if you are a member of our global team...or if you can't wait that long and you are part of my inner circle...send me a personal WhatsApp message and I will send you the link to the breaking news.

Sending much love and zeal your way

Zelna - Inspired contributor to children globally.

Founder Kids Life Studio® and Kids Life Coach Academy 

*This "fact" was  part of an April Fools joke to invoke the spirit of play! This has not been researched nor proven (yet). Those who work with children found this "fact" easy to believe since play based coaching® has shown many major therapeutic benefits. 


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