Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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How are you choosing to show up as a Kids Life Coach?

Uncategorized Jan 11, 2021

I really understand what it means to not want to get out of bed somedays! Having gone through various serious bouts of depression and being hospitalised twice in my past...I understand first hand how hard things can sometimes be if you are faced with trauma. 

Yet, when it comes to working with children there is a certain code of ethics and principles of child safeguarding where we need to CHOOSE to show up professionally. This is despite how lousy you may be feeling mentally, emotionally and physically...

Now this may not be you...perhaps you are one of those Kids Life Coaches who consistently has good days and never has wobbles. You get everything right and your clients are flowing towards you steadily and consistently. You are always healthy. Your mind is always strong. You are always emotionally stable. 

However if this isn't you...don't worry...that is not me either!!  I am perfectly imperfect and still navigating the ups and downs of life just like you.  That doesn't mean that I don't show up as enthusiastic and passionate about my purpose each and everyday.

Do you want to know my I manage to stay positive about my work when it comes to coaching children. 

I just show up.

That's it. 


Please don't play it small or hide yourself away from the world because you may have bad days. This doesn't make you a bad coach. However, if you just consistently show up...and you continue doing your mindset work  and you eat well and get enough sleep and you will flourish!

Showing up is half the battle won. So if you are having a bad day...that's okay. It is still early in the new year and now is the time to give yourself permission to cut yourself some slack. To maintain momentum, you need to spend time choosing to walk the walk and talk the talk as a world-class Kids Life Coach

This takes practice, commitment and dedication. 

The truth is that if you want to continue being effective as a Kids Life Coach, it is about you actually practicing the same tools and ingredients as your little coachee clients! This is why our Level 2 Kids Life Coach Training includes a substantial amount of mindset and personal development work.  Even with the extensive coaching curriculum and the templates and tools and proven 10-step process we give our students, none of that matters if they don't work on themselves! Our brand ambassadors even get a personal performance coach as part of their Level 3 Advanced Coach Training! This is because I know the value of "showing up authentically" and everybody needs support in doing this. Even if you are that person that is supposedly always getting it 'right'...if you sure to send some tips my way...because I didn't know it was possible! (LOL!) I still drop the ball on my exercise sometimes...I also have times where I eat too much chocolate and go to bed too late....Yet...I work everyday to be resourceful and committed to showing up as the best version of myself! Not perfect....just committed to my clients and the process!

So how are you choosing to show up as a Kids Life Coach? I know how I choose to show how about you?

P.S. If you are a student already enrolled in Level 1 & 2 training or you are already certified and a listed coach on our Kids Life Studio website, join us Thinking Thursday on 14 January at 9 am UK on the topic of "Showing up is half the battle won. How are you choosing to show up?" 

Take care with zeal,


Kids Life Studio® & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder


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