Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
Download our FREE Kids Life Coaching Special Report

Kids Life Coach Advanced Certification

In this training, more than 75% of your time will be spent building your coaching practice, meaning that you’ll learn concepts that you are able to immediately put into action. Rather than trying to do it yourself, we will support you with everything from putting together a business plan, tangible marketing toolkit, promotional plans, administration templates, market research and client data bases.

This opportunity is for passionate certified Kids Life Studio® Coaches who want to learn how to expand their income stream from individual coaching to group and school coaching. Certify as a Kids Life Studio® Advanced Coach either using your own brand or using our done for you package.  More than 75% of your time in this training, will be spent building your coaching practice with a solid plan, meaning that you’ll learn concepts and immediately put them into action. Rather than you reinventing the wheel, we will support you with everything from putting together a tangible group coaching toolkit, promotional plans, administration templates and research and resource data bases.

What makes this unique is that we have based this training and mentorship on what really works and not what is good in theory but impossible to effectively implement.  We invest a lot of time and energy into our team because we strive to be world-class Kids Life Coaches and succeed beyond expectations. 

We have seen so many people come to us having trained elsewhere or tried to build their own brand without success. They have struggled and realised the hard way how many moving parts there are to starting a Kids Life Coaching practice. They breathe a sigh of relief when they eventually realise how much time they save just because they were given access to this Advanced Kids Life Coach Training!  

So what will this training look like?

Once you have completed your Theory & Certification Training, you will be ready to embark on your Advanced training that includes the following modules:

Module 1 - Kids Life Coaching as a Kids Life Studio® representative 

This module is about ensuring that all of your templates, coaching resources and tools are in place. Not only that...but we will get your mind right to truly be a world-class representative in your community. 

Module 2 - Sharing the Zeal

This module orientates you on laying the foundation for opening your Kids Life Studio® space so that you can confidently launch in your community. You will look at the where, who, how's and what's of this opportunity.

Module 3 - Prior to Launch

Your questions relating to preparing your budget, timeline and setup relating to the practical sides of opening your Kids Life Studio® space will be tackled this week. 

Module 4- Getting the word out

There is nothing worse than having all the theory and a coaching programme in place but when your doors open and you are met with the sound of crickets.  This module introduces our easy 6 tiered method process to market yourself. 

Module 5 - Building your business

For some, this side of starting a Kids Life Coaching practice comes easily but for most this needs a strategic plan. In this module, you will put the systems in place that will ensure you offer professional services and have clients lining up outside your door.

Module 6 - Family Coaching

In your initial Level 3 Training, you would have been introduced to our Individual coaching programme. This module now introduces you to our well recognised resilience building programmes which involves the whole family.  These group coaching opportunities allow you to maximise your income rather than only work 1-1. Our group resilience building programmes are exclusively for our Kids Life Studio® brand ambassadors and this extended opportunity allows you to extend your reach. 

What's next?

This opportunity is only for you if you are serious about going the extra mile and you understand the value of learning from those who have walked this road before you! If this isn't for you, and you are happy to go it alone...that's okay too! This is entirely for CHANGE MAKERS who are serious about being a career coach for children and earning a good income doing what they love.

Please mail our team with any questions. We look forward to supporting you!


Strategies & Support for building an ethical kids life coaching practice

This course is for students who are interested in building their kids life coaching business through the use of clear strategies and a design led plan. 

In this training, more than 75% of your time will be spent building your coaching practice, meaning that you’ll learn concepts that you are able to immediately put into action. Rather than trying to do it yourself, we will support you with everything from putting together a business plan, tangible marketing toolkit, promotional plans, administration templates, market research and client data bases.

This opportunity is for passionate certified Kids Life Studio® Coaches who want to learn how to expand their income stream from individual coaching to group and school coaching. Certify as a Kids Life Studio® Advanced Coach either using your own brand or using our done for you package.  More than 75% of your time in this training, will be spent building your coaching practice with a solid plan, meaning that you’ll learn concepts and immediately put them into action. Rather than you reinventing the wheel, we will support you with everything from putting together a tangible group coaching toolkit, promotional plans, administration templates and research and resource data bases.

What makes this unique is that we have based this training and mentorship on what really works and not what is good in theory but impossible to effectively implement.  We invest a lot of time and energy into our team because we strive to be world-class Kids Life Coaches and succeed beyond expectations. 

We have seen so many people come to us having trained elsewhere or tried to build their own brand without success. They have struggled and realised the hard way how many moving parts there are to starting a Kids Life Coaching practice. They breathe a sigh of relief when they eventually realise how much time they save just because they were given access to this Advanced Kids Life Coach Training!  

So what will this training look like?

Once you have completed your Level 2 Theory & Level 3 Certification Training, you will be ready to embark on your Level 4 Advanced training that includes the following modules:

Module 1 - Kids Life Coaching as a Kids Life Studio® representative 

This module is about ensuring that all of your templates, coaching resources and tools are in place. Not only that...but we will get your mind right to truly be a world-class representative in your community. 

Module 2 - Sharing the Zeal

This module orientates you on laying the foundation for opening your Kids Life Studio® space so that you can confidently launch in your community. You will look at the where, who, how's and what's of this opportunity.

Module 3 - Prior to Launch

Your questions relating to preparing your budget, timeline and setup relating to the practical sides of opening your Kids Life Studio® space will be tackled this week. 

Module 4- Getting the word out

There is nothing worse than having all the theory and a coaching programme in place but when your doors open and you are met with the sound of crickets.  This module introduces our easy 6 tiered method process to market yourself. 

Module 5 - Building your business

For some, this side of starting a Kids Life Coaching practice comes easily but for most this needs a strategic plan. In this module, you will put the systems in place that will ensure you offer professional services and have clients lining up outside your door.

Module 6 - Family Coaching

In your initial Level 3 Training, you would have been introduced to our Individual coaching programme. This module now introduces you to our well recognised resilience building programmes which involves the whole family.  These group coaching opportunities allow you to maximise your income rather than only work 1-1. Our group resilience building programmes are exclusively for our Kids Life Studio® brand ambassadors and this extended opportunity allows you to extend your reach. 

What's next?

This opportunity is only for you if you are serious about going the extra mile and you understand the value of learning from those who have walked this road before you! If this isn't for you, and you are happy to go it alone...that's okay too! This is entirely for CHANGE MAKERS who are serious about being a career coach for children and earning a good income doing what they love.

Please mail our team with any questions. We look forward to supporting you!


$3,500.00 USD


50% Complete

Two Step

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