Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
Recently, I have noticed that a lot of people feel impatient. They want to help children. They want to do their best for children. They want to learn how to coach children BUT they want to do it quickly!
In the past (I have been training people since 2009), this wasn't the case. People were prepared to put in the effort and learn slowly and incrementally how to coach children. I just feel that the media is pushing their agenda of declining mental wellbeing in children and people (perhaps you?) are feeling desperate to be part of the solution and help.This means they are googling online to find quick fixes....
I am here to tell you that if you want to help and do be part of the solution there is only one way to do it.
Anybody who knows me as the founder of Kids Life Studio® Global and who has done our Kids Life Coach Certification training knows this about me....
I don't do short cuts.
I don't believe in short cuts.
I don't do a half job.
When it comes to coaching children, you cannot learn to do that in a weekend or a short online course that takes a few hours and doesn't have rigorous training and a sustainable approach. Children deserve better than that!
That being said, this also depends fully on your background. If like me, you already have a foundation in place of three degrees (Teaching, Counselling and Masters in Clinical Child Psychology) the journey will be quicker but you still need to build that solid foundation.
So when I have conversations with people who tell me our training is too expensive and too long....I sometimes have an inner tear in my me this is testimony to the world we are living in.
Where everything has to be quick and easier and done in an expedited way. If that is what you are looking for...we are not the organisation for you. It is easy for us to achieve the same results as many other companies who offer kids life coach training in a fast expedited way, but we choose not to.
The reason is because when we train our coaches, they not only gain the knowledge, the coaching system and the tools they need to coach ethically and effectively, but they also gain a solid mindset!
Learning to become a kids life coach is never a quick fix. I started coaching in 2003 and I am still learning and growing. Currently I am a doctoral researcher at Oxford University. I am STILL looking for ways to support children who may fall through the cracks, be faced with adversity, be unable to obtain the support they need.
So whilst those people who do our training gain an opportunity to setup a business, what they also gain is to be part of our Alumni Student network that gives access to people around the world who share our vision. We are NOT JUST life coaches for children. We are all change makers for children. Our vision is to be part of the solution to the problems and the agenda being pushed by the media. We don't just earn an income coaching children, but we make a difference.
So if you feel like our approach resonates with you, but you are wondering how you will afford our training....I want to tell you how can you afford not to? Nothing frustrates me more than when I speak to people who have already spent a substantial amount of money on other "kids life coaching" courses and haven't gotten the results they need. What a waste of time, money and resources.
We may not be for everybody, but what we offer is more than you could ever get anywhere else. The reason? Our organisation is built on the solid ethical principles of quality and our highest value is relationships. If we want to be world-class kids life coaches for children because they deserve our best...we need to make sure we all know our stuff!
So if you haven't already enrolled in our free Level 1 Introduction to Kids Life Coaching, please click on the link to do so. This explainer informational 2 hour course will give you an overview of our approach and answer some questions you may have been asking.
Thank you for sticking with me in what may have been a little bit of a rant...sorry about that LOL!! I am a stickler for doing things properly, so please please don't get swept into thinking others can do that for you. Whilst we will give you all the guidance and support and information you need, YOU still need to put the work in! In the end, you will be the one who needs to support children in such a way that parents don't only feel elated in their own family but they tell other families. This is how a good coaching practice is born! Through word of mouth!
So I wish you well as you navigate the landscape of coaching children. We are here if you need support and mentorship! If you want to have a conversation, fill in a statement of interest and reach out after you've done our introductory training. We look forward to holding your hand as you navigate this amazing landscape of what it means to coach children!
Chat soon!
Kids Life Studio® Founder
50% Complete
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