Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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Playing it small doesn’t help as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Feb 09, 2021

Quite a few people have asked me if they can “coach” children with only our Level 1 Kids Life Coaching Theory training.

I thought this pyramid would help to show the progression to being considered an expert as a world class kids life coach.

Your journey to coaching children starts with theory but what truly matters is getting access to a toolkit, a coaching model and system that helps to refine and define your income and impact as a career kids life coach.

In our experience those who stay at theory level usually don’t manage to launch a financially viable business. They are swept up in the time consuming “game” of figuring out how to get sustainable results. They do as many courses as they can, learning....learning....learning...learning. Which is a good thing...BUT they struggle to take action.


They don't know where to start to get replicable, sustainable, ethical and measurable results each and every time they coach a child. They play a guessing game and this keeps them small and ineffective. They are constantly figuring things out....this isn't a productive use of time. 

I see this as such a shame when a person is talented and has a gift of being able to work with children. Too many people waste their talents trying to go it alone. You didn't build the car you are driving in or the house you live in? Yet, you trust and use both day in and day out to serve a purpose. You left it up to the experts to provide you with your wheels and shelter. You didn't interfere with the process of just enjoy the fruits of somebody else's hard work of figuring things out and their labour. 

Why should it be any different when it comes to coaching children. You are not (yet) an expert. No amount of reading and courses will make you an expert. What counts is experience and taking action. So why not play it big by learning from those who have done it before you. Since 2003, I have been defining and refining my therapeutic play based coaching model® that is now used in over 40 countries. I was once like you...and I wasted so much time through trial and error. The good news is that you don't have to do the same. 

Those who certify as Level 2 kids life coaches with us, are given a robust system and model (based on the theory from Level 1) so that when (and if they choose) to apply it they earn a good income and become busy through referrals. Their coaching practice grows because they can show sustainable and measurable results using ethical methods. They don't waste time figuring things out and perhaps "getting it wrong". They actually make a difference where it matters and they start coaching children within 6 weeks of enrolment! 

Then we have those that go even further.  They aren't satisfied with playing it small and they value surrounding themselves with like minded professionals who inspire and collaborate with them. Our Level 3 Advanced coaches are also called brand ambassadors....they are given a “business in a box” with EVERYTHING they need to succeed quickly and effectively! They are advanced in their thinking and because they use the Kids Life Studio brand they save precious time because they are not figuring out how to market themselves. They spend more time coaching which is what they love and those who stick to our system NEVER struggle to find clients.

Level 4 Master Coaches are an elite minority who work hard as ambassadors for change. They join us on invitation only and this is based on their effort, results and experience. Their voice is loud and clear and as influencers they make an impact based on actions! They launch books, speak on stages and influence policy makers. Is this you?

Want to find out more about how to stop playing it small as a Kids Life Coach? Why don’t you fill in a statement of interest and get a prospectus document and set up time to speak to a certifications consultant.

We want you to excel and play it shine your light so brightly that children can follow you as you lead the way! 

Sending much love and zeal as you step up to claim your space!

Regards with Zeal,


Kids Life Studio® & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder 


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