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Why you shouldn't feel guilty charging as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2020
When I first became a full-time career life coach for children in 2005, I felt soooooo guilty charging for my services!!
My belief was that if I am “helping” it should be free or my fees should be low...
That led to clients taking advantage of me. I was unhappy and couldn’t pay my bills.
Despite this I loved my work and I loved coaching children.
So I embarked on a massive belief system detox....I systematically worked on changing the way I viewed money and I started seeing it as a vehicle to help those who couldn’t afford my fees.
Fast track to today and I am the co-founder of The Secret Parent Foundation which is a not for profit and I am the founder of The Kids Life Studio which is for profit. This helps me to have a great balance but more importantly it keeps my heart full knowing I can service all children needing support!!
Since helping ALL children from all backgrounds, cultures and demographics is my calling I knew that me charging premium fees for my premium services was imperative! I not only get to live the life I deserve to live, but I also get to help those who deserve better but haven’t yet been empowered.
You see...
Feeling guilty for your fees you charge doesn’t make you a “good person”.
What it shows is one of two things:
1. You are lacking in confidence and need to refine your skills.
2. Your money mindset needs work and refinenment.
At The Kids Life Studio, our global team of coaches charge premium fees for individual coaching but we also ALL offer free coaching to families who can’t afford our fees.
This careful balance leads to financial abundance and living a life of purpose.
I don’t know about you....but I would rather be financially secure and able to have the time and capacity to invest into those who can’t afford my fees....Rather than giving my intellectual property away for free and unable to support my family.
You are most deserving of living a life filled with dreams.
You can help children AND earn a good income....
It starts with how you think about what you are deserving of....
It means investing into upskilling yourself and learning how to coach children effectively by getting consistently measurable positive results!!
Check out our Level 1 Theory training...and Jumpstart yourself towards earning an income coaching children. 
Reduced from $1500 to $350 during COVID...
Whilst this initial training won’t give you the tools, resources and coaching programme to earn an income as a certified Kids Life Coach, it is the starting point for refining your skills and knowledge so that you can justify your fees. This is where our Level 2 Kids Life Coach Training steps in!!
I want to encourage you to step into your power by taking control of the one thing that is your greatest asset....
Your mindset...
This is why our Kids Life Kids Life Studio Global Group  coaches succeed!! They are committed to children and they are true to our mission statement...
“Our success is dependent on the success of the children we coach”
So if you feel you want to make a difference and make a career out of it, please connect by filling in a Statement of Interest form!
Regards with Zeal,
Zelna Zeal
Kids Life Studio & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder

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