Kids Life Studio® Coach Academy
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Can you make mistakes as a Kids Life Coach?

Uncategorized Aug 13, 2020

Later today I am doing a group coaching call for our students and Kids Life Studio coaches in what we call our Thinking Thursday!!

We get together every week for an hour to do some mindset work and then there is an opportunity to ask questions about clients or business or parenting etc etc.

The great thing is that when our students enrol in our Level 2 Kids Life Coach Training, they don’t need to struggle figuring things out on their own! They have the opportunity to engage and connect with like minded professionals and share best practices.

When our students reach Level 3 training and become Kids Life Studio brand ambassadors, we further extend this by inviting them to Mastermind Monday’s. Each coach has a turn to host a meeting and set their own agenda.

We also have a private Facebook group where questions can be posted through the week 24/7 and coaches support each other.

Then on the first Monday of every month we have a Mastery Training session for brand ambassadors that targets and refines their skill set in business and practice.

All of us are on our own journey towards the same destination but who we “travel” with makes all the difference!

This is why the success rate of our Kids Life Studio coaches is so high. We hold each other accountable and we understand the value of being accountable!

Today the topic of our Thinking Thursday call is:

There are two ways to learn. From your mistakes or from somebody else’s!

Joining our team fast tracks your success because since 2003 I have made LOTS of mistakes and I have learnt how NOT TO coach children!! The training I have put together highlights red flags and allows you to easily launch an income generating kids life coaching practice because you know what to avoid....

Yes our team still makes their own mistakes! That is inevitable and part of being in business BUT the difference is the mentorship and support to work through those.

Also the big bonus is sharing “mistakes” (I call them learning opportunities) with each other in a safe and non judgemental space that embraces growth and learning as high priorities!

If you understand the value of surrounding yourself with like minded professionals and you have been thinking of enrolling in our Level 1 and Level 2 training and perhaps even continuing to Level 3 as a brand ambassador why don’t you take action today!

I must warn you though....

This isn’t for everybody....

The reason is this:

💥Not everybody likes being held accountable...

💥Not everybody likes sharing the limelight because they want the spotlight on them.

💥Not everybody realises the power of colllaboration and connection.

💥Not everybody sees the value of standing on the shoulders of “giants” who have done it before them.

💥Not everybody sees the benefit of fast tracking their success because they believe they can figure it out themselves.

So if none of this applies to you and you believe in learning and growing and connecting and sharing and being authentic....

Join our team! We are here to support you every step of the way!! Even when you make mistakes....

Remember, nobody gets there on their own and your biggest mistake as a Kids Life Coach will be trying to figure things out without mentorship and support! 

Sending so much love and zeal your way as you learn and grow through your learning opportunities!

Regards with Zeal,


Kids Life Studio & Kids Life Coach Academy Founder



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