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How do you start as a Kids Life Coach?

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2020

As an ex South African, I started my first Kids Life Coaching practice there in 2003. I was a teacher at the time and developed my coaching programme as part of my University Honours Degree. My assignment was to write a parent programme but in the end I realised through my research that I preferred a "family resilience" approach. Needless to say my angle was completely different to what my lecturers were expecting! I turned their theory of parent coaching on its head and I was encouraged to pilot my "family approach" to see if it worked in practice. 

So, I decided to work on the weekends launching my “assignment” (I got 100% for that assignment by the way) by running my Family Resilience Coaching programme as a pilot with 15 families. I got local family volunteers with children in three age groups between age 5 and age 13.  I initially saw two groups every Saturday for 4 x 3 hour sessions. In week 1 and week 4, the parents attended with their children and in...

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8 things to ask when choosing a Kids Life Coach Training service provider

Uncategorized Jul 11, 2020
In the recent weeks I have had such great questions from people wanting to enrol in our  Kids Life Coach Training that I decided to create this post to help you make an informed decision!
I'm assuming that since you are reading this, you have been doing your homework on Kids Life Coaching because you have a big heart for children and you are passionate about making a difference?  
I also guess that you have already found a few options or spoken to a few people, but perhaps you don't know how to choose the best fit for you? *(disclaimer: we have a screening process and not everybody is a 'good fit' for our programme and we do not accept everybody in. We also provide extensive training so not everybody that wants a quick fix is a good fit for our training.)
My recommendation when researching is to choose a training service provider who offers a robust system that is able to measure success. Our Play Based Coaching® system...
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Why you shouldn't feel guilty charging as a Kids Life Coach

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2020
When I first became a full-time career life coach for children in 2005, I felt soooooo guilty charging for my services!!
My belief was that if I am “helping” it should be free or my fees should be low...
That led to clients taking advantage of me. I was unhappy and couldn’t pay my bills.
Despite this I loved my work and I loved coaching children.
So I embarked on a massive belief system detox....I systematically worked on changing the way I viewed money and I started seeing it as a vehicle to help those who couldn’t afford my fees.
Fast track to today and I am the co-founder of The Secret Parent Foundation which is a not for profit and I am the founder of The Kids Life Studio which is for profit. This helps me to have a great balance but more importantly it keeps my heart full knowing I can service all children needing support!!
Since helping ALL children from all backgrounds, cultures and demographics is...
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Your Kids LIfe Coaching clients care about your outcomes not your certification!

Uncategorized Jun 12, 2020
I have been training passionate people to become career Kids Life Coaches since 2009. One of the questions I get asked most often before enrolment is this....
“Is your certification accredited?”
My answer is always the same....
“Kids Life Coaching is unregulated and there are no adult life coaching associations that are able to accredit. We set our own standards and benchmarks.”
That being said we uphold academic criteria, and as an honorary fellow of Queen Mary University Global Policy Institute and also ex University Lecturer our focus at Kids Life Studio is on outcomes and a results driven approach.
How does this work?
We offer a toolkit that tracks and measures progress and success. This allows us to avoid a one size fits all approach and we get bespoke results for each of our clients.
This may sound tricky, but it’s really easy once you have a system that consistently gets results.
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Are you making rookie mistakes as a Kids Life Coach?

Uncategorized May 22, 2020

Did you know I have been coaching children for almost two decades?

When I look back now I can see such silly “rookie” mistakes I made!

Back when I started coaching children, I was armed with a teaching and educational psychology degree. No formal life coaching qualification or experience at all. (In fact I still haven’t ever done an adult life coaching certification because I don’t think it is applicable to children)

When I started my journey in 2003, there were no service providers offering anything remotely relevant to coaching children!

I did every course I could find and none were good enough when used in isolation. (In my opinion) EQ, NLP, Positive Psychology, CBT, Social Psychology.

I read books. Followed thought leaders. Learnt learnt and learnt. I was committed to helping children and what I realised was this....

Intuition was my biggest asset.

Whilst I felt like I was winging it...I actually had a solid foundation in place, to make good decisions...

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Why Covid-19 is the best thing that has ever happened for Kids Life Coaches

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2020

I have been very quiet in the past while in sharing my words...popping in for my weekly Facebook live on our Kids Life Coach support network and commenting on the odd this is me saying...I'm doing the best I can right now...pivoting Kids Life Studio and The Kids Life Coach Academy and The Secret Parent Foundation to support people during this intense time of change.

But today I felt I needed to share my thoughts on Social Distancing with you....and how Covid-19 is actually the best thing that has happened for career Kids Life Coaches.

Life as we know it will never be the same. Fact. I have already seen a shift in thinking and the good news is that it seems mental wellbeing is now becoming top priority for most people amidst the chaos of Covid-19.

So anybody already coaching children...will theoretically have more need for their services now!

With fear hijacking our brains on a daily basis and being forced into "lockdown" all of us are at risk for anxiety and...

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What is the secret to financial success as a Kids Life Coach?

Uncategorized Apr 10, 2020

What is the secret to your financial success as a Kids Life Coach?

So often I see capable people with the aptitude, knowledge and passion give up on their dreams to coach children as a full-time career.


Because they don’t earn enough money.

So they end up compromising and giving up on their dreams. They go back to the safety net of their full time career.

The kids lose out. They lose out. They end up unhappy and regretful.

So why is this the case?

Well I look at it this way. There is a secret to succeeding in this game. I have been coaching children since 2003 and nobody gave me a recipe. I didn’t have somebody helping me to set up my coaching practice.

I wanted it.
I figured it out.
I pushed through even when things got hard.
I refined.
I built my brand up step by step. is the secret to my success as a Kids Life Coach.

There are 3 things that I have and that I now look for when people want to join our team as a Kids Life Studio brand ambassador:

1. I am...

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Kids Life Coaching is published in the World Social Psychiatry journal

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2020

When I started coaching children 17 years ago I was a teacher and the most commonly used assessment tool back then that I was familiar with was the Connors Rating Scale for ADHD.

Since my niche back then was special needs and mostly ADHD kids I found the tool incomprehensive and so went about expanding and designing my own. To use in my coaching practice to assess and measure results.

This tool is now officially mentioned in the World Social Psychiatry Journal in a published journal paper of which I am a co-author alongside a team of Psychiatrists and Psychologists. We have been working together on a global family resilience research project for the past year and it is still a work in progress.

My play based Kids Life Coaching model which uses my Lifestyle Assessment tool is also mentioned. I am beyond proud of the fact that my Kids Life Coaching model is being recognised as a sound intervention and so proud of our global team at Kids Life Studio who are paving the way for setting...

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The 3 things you must do to successfully coach children online

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2020

Click here to view my Facebook live about the 3 things you must do to successfully coach children online

With Social Distancing and Social Isolation becoming buzz words globally, our Kids Life Studio team took a decision to coach all children online until further notice.

I have been in the game of Kids Life Coaching for 17 years now. In this time, I have worked with thousands of children from a variety of backgrounds, with a variety of circumstances and displaying a variety of problems.

I have always avoided coaching online as I feel it isn't conducive to getting maximum results from children. The success of our coaching sessions at The Kids Life Studio relies on REAL face to face connection and a play based approach.

Although I have coached children online when there has been a need, over the years....I have had to go through a massive mind shift in the past week to adapt to this new changing way of doing things.

Join me today, Thursday, 26 March at 12 pm GMT to find out the three...

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Play based coaching gets the results that adult life coaching can't!

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2020

There is a common misperception that adult life coaching which involves helping the coachee to focus on and achieve their clearly defined goals, is applicable to children. Nothing could be further from the truth which is why The Kids Life Studio® has developed a unique child-friendly coaching model that is directly related to the needs of the developing brain. 

Life coaching for children is about creating new habits related to making healthy lifestyle choices, that not only build a sense of self worth, but improve the overall quality of life. Play based Coaching is fundamentally about equipping children with a toolkit for navigating their daily choices in a fun, non invasive way that is easy to understand and apply.

There is a plethora of well researched evidence on the benefits of “Play in childhood.” It was for this reason that I founded a play based coaching model for children in 2003. As an ex-teacher, I understood the dynamics of engaging children in a...

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